Georgia Knights of Columbus Convention:


Georgia Knights of Columbus Convention:

Council 9792 participated in the 122nd Annual Georgia Knights of Columbus Convention and Meeting held May 17-19, 2024 in Savannah, Georgia.  Though our council did not win any awards, Council 9792 was recognized for making Star Council, having the best in-person Fraternal Benefits Night event, helping recruit our newest field agent and developing one of the best submission processes for program awards,

Aside from business meetings on Saturday and Sunday, knights and there wives were able to attend a necrology Mass where all the deceased knights/spouses since the last convention had their names read and prayed for, the banquet on Friday and Saturday night with guest speakers and award presentations and a vigil Mass officiated by Bishop Emeritus John Kevin Boland and 18 Sir Knights as Honor Guard ( Council 9792 provided 4 guards.)

A lot of information was shared to help shape our upcoming fraternal year along with opportunities to network with fellow councils.  Next year’s convention will be held May 16-18, 2025 on Jekyll Island.

Anthony Annarelli, District Deputy with Dave Bartnicki, Grand Knight and Ed Udell, Deputy Grand Knight accepting Star Council Award.